Excerpts II
Sunset over the Straits of Malacca
In excerpts II, we will talk about one of my best birthday parties thrown by my parents.
Well, this happened when I was about 2-3 years old. My parents, my brother and I celebrated my birthday by the beach. I think it was somewhere in Melaka. It was so damn best. A simple cake and surrounded by my family. Mase tuh I still remember our family car. A Daihatsu yang so kecik, and no airconds ye. Mase tu mane ade panas-panas macam sekarang and seriously it was so damn smart.
So anyway, the celebration was held dekat one of those beaches in Melaka. I still remember there were these boats yang people used for regattas and all. Ade siap dragon-dragon motifs lagi.
Memang best.
Mase potong cake, the sun was macam nak terbenam dah and we were in this really beautiful orangy light and seriously I would trade everything that I have rite now to be in that place and time again.
Mak and Abah, I love you so very much. Thanks for being the best parents. And to my adik-adik, despite my foul mouth, I love you guys to bits.
Image via www.pulau-pangkor.com